A Quick Update

This blog has been dormant for the past three months. Apologies to my many doting fans. I was getting into a great posting rhythm towards the end of the summer, but life got in the way. A couple of personal updates:
- My road trip is going well. At the very least, better than these stories. I spent a few weeks driving across the country before settling in Austin for a month.
- I got a new job! I have completed my transformation into the Übermillennial; I now am not only a digital nomad, but also work at a crypto company. I’m an early employee at TRM Labs, a company that prevents fraudulent transactions on the blockchain. This new job incorporates a lot of writing, so I hope that having my livelihood depend on writing output has the positive externality of more creative juices flowing for my personal writing.
Between driving across the country, interviewing for new jobs, and finishing work at Oscar / starting work at TRM in November, I haven’t made as much time as I’d like to write. That will soon be rectified. Upcoming posts to look forward to include:
- Labor Market Arbitrage: Why Now is the Best Time to Get a New Job
- Tactics I Used to Get a Job at TRM Labs (I hope this is useful to some and serves as a public decision journal for me)
- Interview Guide for Early-Stage Startups
- On Boxing
- An Ode to Chess
Giddy up.